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About us

Complaints procedure

The BDA aims to provide a professional, caring and friendly service. We believe, therefore, that it is important that we are made aware of the things we are doing well, but also of the areas that require improvement. It is for this reason that we take all comments and complaints very seriously, aiming to deal with them as effectively and impartially as possible and as swiftly and fairly as we can. If, however, you feel the need to make a complaint about our services, please follow the procedure outlined below.

Data Protection

We take all matters of personal data very seriously. If you would like to make a complaint about the way in which we process this data, or want us to delete or make amendments to the information we already hold, please follow the procedure outlined below.

Stage 1

If you have concerns about the service we provide it is important that you express these concerns, in the first instance, to the person at the BDA that you have been communicating with. They will then be able to address the issue as promptly as possible in order to alleviate your concerns. We always aim to acknowledge any complaint within two working days and to resolve the issue, wherever possible, within five working days.

Stage 2

If you feel that you did not receive a satisfactory outcome in stage 1, you should contact the Complaints Officer either by letter or email. The Complaints Officer will pass your concerns to the appropriate manager, who will aim to resolve the issue, wherever possible, within five working days.

Stage 3

If you wish to take the matter further, you can request a review by the CEO. If, however, you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you can request a review by the Chair (or his/her nominated Trustee). To do this review, you need to submit your points in writing, by email or letter, stating clearly on what grounds you consider the outcome of stage 3 to be unfair or incorrect. If you fail to do this, the Chair has the right to refuse the review.

Contact us

To contact the Complaints Officer please write to:
BDA Complaints Officer
Office 205, Access Business Centre
Willoughby Road
RG12 8FB

Or email: