Free Webinar: Preparing for Learning and Inspiring Dyslexia Superpowers!
Thursday 22 April 2021, Online
This session will provide ideas on helping your child to get back into classroom learning. It will look at some top tips to encourage learning, boosting learner confidence and what we can do at home to support our children to harness their dyslexia super-powers!
BDA 48th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Saturday 13 March 2021, Online
The AGM is a free open meeting for all Members to attend including Individual Members, Professional Members, Organisational Members, the Local Dyslexia Association (LDA) Representatives and Members that are signed up to the Shared Membership scheme.
Virtual Literacy Conference - Interactive teaching for the digital age
Thursday 4 March 2021, Online
This year our annual literacy conference will focus on literacy for the digital age. The conference is designed to give teachers and tutors the tools and the confidence to make online learning effective and engaging for all.
Practical but fun strategies for supporting the learning of Spelling and Times tables
Tuesday 23 February 2021, Online
In this presentation we will highlight some important factors that affect the learning of spellings and times tables helping parents who want to support their children at home. The focus will be on giving you lots of practical, useful and effective strategies which can make learning spellings and times tables, not only easier but hopefully fun too.
Free Webinar: Just because you can't spell, doesn't mean you don't love words with Author Sally Gardner
Wednesday 3 February 2021, Online
Many people with dyslexia do not enjoy writing, so this webinar will explore how we can create stories both with and without words. We will explore different ways to organise our thoughts and look at how to make a picture board of ideas to help us tell vivid and exciting tales. This webinar is aimed at Secondary school children but anyone is welcome to attend.
Free Webinar: Five frequently asked questions to the BDA Helpline
Thursday 28 January 2021, Online
This presentation will outline the five most frequently asked questions from parents who want to support their children at home. The webinar will provide ideas and guidance as to how to support learners at home with their studies. Different types of technology and software that help learners who have dyslexia will be discussed.
Free Webinar: Understanding stress and anxiety within dyslexic children and building resilience
Thursday 10 December 2020, Online
Within this 1 hour session, we will discuss what causes anxiety and stress within dyslexic children, signs to look out for at different ages and what you can do to help. How to approach conversations and what you can do to support the building of resilience.
Supporting children in primary school with DCD with Professor Amanda Kirby
Tuesday 24 November 2020, Online
This webinar looks at how to deliver a whole school approach by supporting children and their families both in school and at home. The session will cover practical strategies as well as evidence-based intervention.
Free Webinar: How can parents encourage a confidence and awareness of numbers in their children
Thursday 19 November 2020, Online
Numbers are Everywhere. Supporting children to develop number skills.
This webinar will inform you about how children acquire number skills and how, as a parent you can enrich their appreciation of numbers and their application.
Free Webinar: Simple and Effective Multi-sensory Techniques Children Can Try at Home
Thursday 12 November 2020, Online
The multi-sensory techniques Susie will be presenting are based on her recent BBC Bitesize article on ‘Five multi-sensory activities you can do with your child at home’. These will not only be centered around the early years, but from key stages 1-5 across a variety of subjects.
Measuring communication skills - is there a better way for dyslexia?
Tuesday 10 November 2020, Online
Given the widespread concern around the value of measuring spelling, punctuation and grammar in GCSEs and A levels, this panel will explore whether the current system is fit for purpose, in particular for individuals with dyslexia.
JCQ Examination Access Arrangements Training (for new delegates) – SASC Approved Course, run by Communicate-Ed.
Thursday 5 November 2020, Online
The British Dyslexia Associations are proud partners of this course.