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RECORDINGS Only - SYMPOSIUMS - International Conference 2021

Our International Conference 2021 symposium sessions are now available to purchase as a recording if you missed the international conference on the 20 - 21 May 2021!


Wednesday 13th October 2021


Virtual / Online
United Kingdom

Typical and atypical spelling across different needs and languages - (Co-authors - Niolaki, Vousden, Terzopoulos, Taylor, Masterson)

Spelling is a little explored seminal literacy skill, one that strongly resists remediation and might never be successfully mastered. Four papers explored spelling using longitudinal and experimental designs, rigorous tools, across different languages and populations. This symposium focuses on debates around what predicts spelling (among variables tapping a range of language and cognitive skills) and whether children who find spelling challenging use similar strategies to children who do not have spelling difficulties.

We expect our findings to reach a wide audience of national and international members of the BDA with a keen interest in dyslexia and spelling practices. We aim to strengthen our partnership and in the future work in a common cross-language and cross-cultural project which will have wide impact on spelling teaching and research!

Paper 1: Spelling predictors in a large cross-sectional study investigating the role of phonological ability and rapid naming

Paper 2: Do deaf children use phonological or visual strategies when spelling?

Paper 3: Orthographic spelling skills in children with developmental language disorder (DLD): Implications for Intervention

Paper 4: How oral language skills contribute to spelling development in children with and without reading difficulties?

Emotional wellbeing in individuals with literacy difficulties: Risk Factors and Support (Co-authors - Carroll, Thompson, Wood, Soares, Boyes, Badcock, Francis, Hudson, Kohnen, Mobach, McArthur, Leitao, Claessen, Dzidic, Nayton, Torppa)

It is now well established that individuals with dyslexia are at increased risk of poor mental health and lower levels of wellbeing. The next stage in research is to understand the risk factors around these mental health difficulties and how they can be reduced or overcome. This symposium presents qualitative and quantitative research examining these issues.

Paper 1: Structuring Difficulty and Difference

Paper 2: Profiles of school motivation and emotional well-being among adolescents: Associations with math and reading performance

Paper 3: Helping children with poor reading and anxiety using evidence-based intervention

Paper 4: Promoting mental health in children with dyslexia: Piloting the Clever Kids program

Paper 5: Does Reading Anxiety Impact Academic Achievement at University?

Strengths and Dyslexia: The What and the Why (Co-authors - Nicholson, Stein, Eide, Eide, Fawcett, Agahi, Piacesi)

This symposium presents an 8-year update on the ‘inaugural’ symposium at the US International Dyslexia Association conference in which several presenters launched the ‘Positive Dyslexia’ movement. We will present the underlying philosophy, and then focus on the strengths of dyslexia, providing an international perspective on the progress that has been made in the intervening years in developing explanatory theoretical frameworks -the ‘why’ in addition to the ‘what’- presenting ongoing evidence from a range of questionnaires and surveys to evaluate these further in practice internationally.

Paper 1 - Why do so many people with dyslexia have such creative talents?

Paper 2 - Strengths of MIND: Do dyslexic brain differences lead to strengths as well as challenges?

Paper 3 - Why Strengths – When automaticity prevents progress

Paper 4 - From disability to talent diversity: the Diverse Work Strengths Finder

The assessment and teaching of writing skills (Co-authors - Barnett, Esposito, Herbert, Sumner, Prunty, Nightingale, Canniford, Dockrell, Stuart)

Students with Dyslexia struggle with various aspects of literacy. While reading difficulties are prominent in the primary years, transcription and writing difficulties may persist through to Higher Education (HE). In this symposium, we present results from two surveys of how transcription skills (spelling, handwriting and typing) are taught in school.

We also evaluate two writing assessments, the Key Stage 2 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test and the new Writing Quality Scale for HE. We consider the impact of teaching practice on those with writing difficulties and the implications for how best to support education professionals in the assessment and development of writing skills.The aim of this symposium is to present recent research findings on aspects of writing in school and higher education. This includes surveys of teaching practice, particularly the teaching of spelling and handwriting/keyboarding. The development of new and use of existing writing assessment tools are also considered. We aim to give delegates the opportunity to ask questions, to discuss the research with the presenters and consider its relevance to their own practice.

Paper 1 - Capturing how spelling is taught in primary school classrooms

Paper 2 - Handwriting and typing support in Secondary Schools in England

Paper 3 - How does the English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test relate to writing outcomes?

Paper 4 - The Writing Quality Scale (WQS): a new tool to identify and describe writing difficulties

Understanding cognitive and emotional barriers to learning maths: becoming part of the solution (Co-authors - Hunt, Maloney, Petronzi, Baker, Lee)

The focus of the symposium is the impact of the environment in which mathematics is learned, which links with mathematics anxiety and mathematical resilience. This important area of research is relevant to specialist teachers, EP’s, teachers and researchers and is fundamentally tied to understanding dyscalculia and other mathematical learning difficulties.

Paper 1 - Understanding the relation between mathematics anxiety, resilience, and mathematics attitudes: appraisals of previous experiences of mathematics

Paper 2 - Validation of a storybook intervention for reducing Mathematics Anxiety in children

Paper 3 - An intervention to support Year 7 pupils with mathematics anxiety

Paper 4 - Enabling Maths Anxious adults to become part of the solution