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BDA supports zero VAT on audio books

Wednesday 22 March 2023

The BDA is supporting an Early Day Motion (EDM) raised by the Rt Hon Sir Mike Penning MP, Member of Parliament for Hemel Hempstead. This EDM asks for zero VAT status to be applied to audio books. Zero VAT status already exists for e-books and physical books.

Audio books offer a lifeline for many dyslexic people as well as those with sight loss, visual impairment or any other disability which makes it difficult for them to access the written word in a physical book.

The BDA welcome the zero-rate VAT for e-books but we know that e-books, when read aloud by automated text-to-speech, are difficulty to listen to for long periods. They lack intonation, may mispronounce names and places, and can often read out loud every bracket and notion. All of these things can make it difficult to comprehend or recall meaning. This is why many people prefer audio books.

Audio books are widely available across all genres, and offer unique opportunities for dyslexic people and those with a visual impairment to improve their education on a par with their peers. In many cases they enable dyslexic people, and visually impaired people to continue working for longer and therefore contribute to the economy for longer.

Other European countries have recently reduced their rates of VAT on audiobooks, Norway to zero, and we believe the UK should now do the same.

Please contact your MP and ask them to sign the Early Day Motion (No 893)

You can find out who your MP is here.

The Early Day Motion is published here.