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British Dyslexia Association International Conference: Professor Adriana Bus

Monday 19 October 2020

Professor Adriana Bus will be joining us as a keynote speaker at the British Dyslexia Association Virtual International Conference 2021. We will be welcoming delegates from around the world and unite the global dyslexia community and advance knowledge and understanding of dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Adriana Bus is Emeritus Professor of Leiden University in the Netherlands, Professor at the University of Stavanger in Norway, and a member of the University’s Scientific Advisory Board in Norway. She has also been appointed as an Honorary Professor at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.

For over three decades she has conducted internationally renowned research in early literacy skills, with particular focus on experimental research and meta-analysis of instruction methods, print exposure and digital book reading.

Her keynote address will examine how technical reading and spelling skills as well as reading comprehension are honed not only through direct instruction but through print exposure. Her session will cover:

  • The impact that leisure-time reading has on a child’s reading proficiency as they grow.
  • How reading proficiency but also reading anxiety can explain why it is difficult to motivate dyslexic children to practice their reading, and thereby making it difficult to improve their reading skills.
  • The utilisation of technology to promote print exposure in anxious and dyslexic readers.

Find out more about our International Conference and book your tickets today.