News - Research
Share your experiences of working from home and home schooling during the pandemic
Wednesday 7 April 2021
Share your experiences of working from home and home schooling during Covid and help contribute to the British Dyslexia Association’s Recovery from Covid Plan
Complete a survey to help us improve our charity
Monday 1 February 2021
We're inviting people with dyslexia, as well as those who support them to complete a short survey to help us improve our charity
The impact of stress and anxiety on learning
Wednesday 20 November 2019
We know about the negative impact of educational experiences on the mental health of children, indeed the BDA’s report on the Human Cost of Dyslexia...
Refuting the ‘dyslexia myth’: Answering FAQs about dyslexia’s existence
Tuesday 6 August 2019
The BDA are very grateful to Maggie Snowling and Philip Kirby for kindly sharing their expertise and thoughts about dyslexia with the BDA...