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Mark Noble shares his story and tell us how he puts his creavitiy down to his dyslexia

Thursday 4 February 2021

“Sometimes it’s a blessing in disguise in that it can give you a creative edge.” Mark believes his dyslexia has given him deeper creativity, leading him to his greatest achievement so far - displaying his art at an exhibition in Westminster. Read Mark’s story and his advice to those that have also been diagnosed with dyslexia.

I was diagnosed in 2001. I was struggling with the ‘New Start Course’ at Strode College and discussed this with one of the managers there. I took part in a special assessment and was given the diagnosis shortly afterwards.

I find literacy and numeracy difficult. Some everyday activities like reading bus timetables can be very challenging. The positive thing is that I’m a creative and very visual person. I would say I’m observant and sensitive to light and colour. This helps enormously when studying/producing art.

I have received lots of support and understanding from family and friends. Charities like SANE have helped me creatively. Students from Bath Spa and Strode College have also been supportive.

One of my biggest achievements was being selected by the government to display art at an exhibition in Westminster, celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Disability Rights Act. I’m also proud of the fact that I’ve raised money at exhibitions/arts events for charities such as Children’s World and SANE.

My advice for someone who has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia:

Try to get as much support as possible – don’t be shy. Research different charities, be inspired, be creative and most importantly, don’t let it get you down! Technology really helps too, for example, text to speech services, audio books and so on.

Sometimes it’s a blessing in disguise in that it can give you a creative edge. You can learn to work and live with it. Some of the world’s greatest minds have been diagnosed with dyslexia: Einstein, Walt Disney, Stephen Fry, Jackie Stewart and Richard Branson to name a few.