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NEWS FLASH - No Pens Day sponsored by Touch-type Read and Spell

Monday 10 September 2018

During Dyslexia Awareness Week this year, we will be running No Pens Day, sponsored by Touch-type Read and Spell who are offering free licences to teachers. Also available are packs for school assemblies and resources from Twinkl. Click here to download the Education Pack where you will discover these resources.

For many children and adults with dyslexia writing is a highly complex activity. Whilst they may know what they want to say in their head they struggle to get their ideas down on paper in a written form. This can lead to frustration and the individual not being able to show what they really know and understand.

For teachers “writing things down” is the usual method that enables them to assess how much an individual has learned. Yet for a dyslexic learner what they have written may not truly show their capabilities or knowledge.

The purpose of No Pens Day is to enable all children and adults to engage in activities that do not require writing and to explore other ways of showing knowledge and learning.

This year the BDA has linked with Touch-type Read and Spell and the Communications Trust and the challenge for Dyslexia Awareness week is to find new and creative ways of capturing learning that don’t rely on writing!

Are you up for the challenge? Find out more here!