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Share your experiences of working from home and home schooling during the pandemic

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Everyone has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is likely that those with dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) will have been more badly affected by the enforced closure of schools and the directive to work from home which has been in force for most of the last 12 months. Many will have had to work without their usual support or specialist technology or found that their existing coping strategies do not work in a remote environment.

Adults with dyslexia

The British Dyslexia Association would like to hear the experiences of dyslexic adults who have been working from home, to understand the impact that this has had on their day to day working life. If you would like to contribute to this, please click the link below to complete a short survey. All answers are confidential and will be used to help the BDA to demonstrate the hidden impact of the pandemic on the dyslexic community, and to identify the support services that are required as part of the recovery from Covid. This plan will be presented to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dyslexia in June 2021.

Take part in our Adult Survey by clicking here.

Parents of children with dyslexia

We would also like to hear from parents of dyslexic children to understand the access to online learning their children received during the periods of school closure, and whether they found it more difficult to access the curriculum. This survey also seeks opinions on the on-going impact the experience may have had on their studies and engagement in learning, and how this can be addressed by the catchup plans proposed by the Government.

To complete the Parent Survey please click here.