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Accredit a Dyslexia/Dyscalculia course

How to accredit a course

British Dyslexia Association (BDA) course accreditation is normally granted for four years. This is contingent on the Accreditation Team's approval of any significant changes to the course or its personnel during that time. It is the responsibility of the course leader to inform the Accreditation Team of any changes in order to retain BDA Accreditation. If you do not comply with this you may lose your BDA Accreditation.

Accreditation process

Complete the Proposed Accredited Course Details form and email to You will be sent a course accreditation pack which outlines the course criteria and quality assurance procedures and a SharePoint link to upload your documents.

  1. When you have read these documents, write your course proposal and upload to the SharePoint link, please make sure that your uploaded documents are in the order/are numbered to match the criteria documents.
  2. We invoice with a purchase order, fees are per accreditation.
  3. The Accreditation Team will review the submission and will contact you directly within 6 weeks of application.
  4. All accreditations are for 4 years, unless otherwise stated.


The BDA will accredit a course if each of the following criteria is fulfilled:

  • The course content meets the appropriate criteria in full.
  • The quality assurance procedures are met in full.
  • The course is directed and taught by appropriately qualified personnel. In particular all observation of practical work must be undertaken by a tutor who holds current AMBDA or equivalent. If the observing tutor is part of the teaching team it is important to ensure that he or she is formally inducted and all evaluations are monitored.
  • Distance learning courses using tutors for observations should take formal steps to ensure cross moderation.
  • Appropriate means are in place to assess students’ progress and their final level of attainment.
  • An appropriately qualified external examiner must be appointed.


Courses will be re-accredited for a further 4 years if:

  • the content has been up-dated to take account of changes in regulations and legislation relating to SpLD, development in SpLD research and approaches to teaching and support for SpLD
  • any significant changes to the staff teaching the course and/or the processes of teaching and assessment fulfil the BDA course criteria

Course fees

Each accreditation carries a separate fee.

  • AMBDA/ATS/APS - £175 plus VAT (£210) each
  • AMBDAFE/HE/ATS FE/HE - £175 plus VAT (£210) each
  • ATD/APD, AMBDA Dyscalculia - £175 plus VAT (£210)
  • ALSA - £100 plus VAT (£120)

Contact us


Accreditation, British Dyslexia Association, Office 205 Access Business Centre, Willoughby Road, Bracknell, RG12 8FB