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Professional Accreditation

Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)

An Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) recognises the knowledge and skills of specialist teachers who have followed an appropriate course of study (e.g. an AMBDA accredited course or a course recognised by SASC) and can demonstrate their professional competence in the assessment of specific learning difficulties/dyslexia/or dyscalculia.

As reports conducted at any age may be used for DSA purposes, it is recommended that all assessors should hold an APC, to future proof reports for those with dyslexia/dyscalculia so that no further assessment will be required.

An APC is valid for three years from the date of issue. APC holders must also hold a professional membership of the issuing body for the duration of the APC; the APC will be invalid should the membership lapse.

Holders of an APC must commit to continuing professional development (CPD) and the BDA Code of Ethics. All APC holders are listed on the SASC list of assessors.

Who can apply for an APC with the BDA?

You can apply for an APC with the BDA through the website. This is called Route 1. You will need to have:

An Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) is valid for three years and needs to be renewed at the end of these three years.

  • To apply for APC route 1, please apply online via the application box on the right of this page.
  • You will need to pay the APC fee of £210 via the credit/debit card link in the application process. This fee is set by SASC and is the same across all organisations who can issue and renew APCs.
  • If your employer/school is paying complete the invoice option in the application process

You should apply through Route 1 plus - R1+:

To apply for APC route 1 plus, please complete the APC R1+ application form and CPD log

  • The fee for this is £300, payment details are on the application form.

Applicants will need to submit the following for Route 1 plus:

  • Proof of current full professional membership of their APC issuing body
  • A current CV to include details of relevant SpLD and assessment experience.
  • A CPD log evidencing a minimum of 30 hours of relevant professional development over the previous 3 years. The CPD log will include:

1 - Evidence of 5 hours of SASC Authorised CPD. This is CPD that is authorised by SASC and listed through the SASC website. These SASC authorised CPD hours should not be updates on Access Arrangements, and

2 - Evidence of 25 hours CPD which may or may not be SASC authorised, i.e., 25 hours of supplementary CPD over the three-year period.

  • A full diagnostic assessment report providing evidence of your independent assessment practice and produced within the last 18 months. The report must be fully anonymised.
  • A full set of anonymised working papers i.e., scanned copies of all the test record forms used in the assessment, including copies of the assessee’s written responses. All working papers must be completed in ink, preferably black, legible and clearly record the date of assessment and the name of the assessor (examiner).*
  • A copy of your specialist SpLD Level 7 qualification.

*Please note that if a second or subsequent report is requested, a full set of working papers will also be required.

To renew an APC

If you have previously held an APC with the BDA or with any of the issuing bodies please visit the APC renewal page.


Payment for £210.00

Please confirm you meet all application requirements