Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark for Education
Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark Holders - Schools
The Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark is issued to educators that can demonstrate that they provide high quality education and practice for dyslexic individuals.
To find out more and apply email: QualityMarkEd@bdadyslexia.org.uk
School name: William Tyndale Primary School, Islington
School website: www.williamtyndale-islington.co.uk
School ethos: The school website states, “We are unswervingly committed to high standards and expectations for all children. Our broad and creative curriculum opportunities provide a firm base for all children to thrive and develop within an excitingly diverse community.”
What stood out for us about the school: The staff and the governors are committed to supporting children with dyslexia. The school has demonstrated an effective system of working in partnership with pupils. Evidence through observation, interview and on-site discussion with Dyslexia Ambassadors clearly shows that learners have a good understanding and value their achievements.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 22nd October 2021
School name: Lyneham Primary School, Wiltshire
School website: Lyneham Primary School - Home
School ethos: The school website states, ‘Progress is different for everyone…we believe everyone has the ability to learn and that practice might not make perfect, but it will make progress.’
What stood out for us about the school: We saw that teachers and support staff were clearly aware of multi-sensory approaches and applied them effectively and consistently in class and during interventions. Pupils were clearly aware of who they could ask for help and how they could help themselves. They have a dedicated section on their website that has detailed information for parents/carers to access.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 18th July 2022
School name: Malmesbury Primary School, Wiltshire
School website: Malmesbury C of E Primary School - Wiltshire Primary School (malmesburyprimaryschool.co.uk)
School ethos: The school website states, “We prepare children for the future, enabling them to fulfil their potential and develop as rounded individuals.We…challenge children to excel personally, creatively, physically and academically”.
What stood out for us about the school is that the school had established a group of learning champions (pupils) who could identify what support helps and what doesn’t help so much. On meeting them during the visit, they displayed very good self-esteem and confidence and were very capable advocates who clearly felt listened to and supported well. There was clear evidence of early intervention, support and monitoring.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 18th July 2022
School name: Clarendon Academy, Wiltshire
School website: Welcome to The Clarendon Academy
School ethos: The Headteacher states on the school website, ‘Here at Clarendon, our students arrive as enthusiastic children in Year 7; they leave us at the end of Year 13 as fully rounded young adults, ready to face the world with confidence and belief that they can go on and achieve their dreams’.
What stood out for us about the school: Support staff were particularly passionate about ensuring pupils were given the right tools and resources to support them with their learning. It was evident that the school believes in fostering strong relationships with students to create a sense of belonging and a high level of self-worth.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 28th
September 2022
School name: Trafalgar School at Downton, Wiltshire
School website: The Trafalgar School at Downton
School ethos:The school website states, ‘Empowering young people to be the source of their own success is our commitment in enabling our students towards a life fulfilled’.
What stood out for us about the school: The impressive level of diligence, commitment and dedication displayed by the whole team. The school has created a structure where interventions and teaching methods are evaluated via the Learning Support and Interventions Co-ordinator/SENCo. Learner outcomes are routinely reviewed and scrutinised. The SENDCo had extensive experience of SEND provision and shares this through the Academy Trust.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 4th November 2022
School name: King’s Lodge Primary School, Wiltshire
School website: King's Lodge School – Kindness, Learning, Success (kingslodge.wilts.sch.uk)
School ethos: The school website states, “The school is committed to supporting each and every child to fulfill its potential whether toward academic, vocational or social achievements”.
What stood out for us about the school: We were so impressed with the level of diligence, commitment and dedication displayed by the whole team. Clearly inclusivity is central to the ethos of the school. This together with the high level of knowledge and expertise, was reflected in the atmosphere within the school and in the responses made by staff, learning ambassadors (a group of pupils), lead governor and parents.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 18th November 2022
School name: St Marks, C of E Junior School Wyndham, Wiltshire
School website: St Marks CofE Junior School: Headteacher's Welcome (st-marks.wilts.sch.uk)
School ethos: The school website states, “As a school it is what we aspire to in our every day – providing a better education, enabling better formed citizens, pupils who go on to live better lives”.
What stood out for us about the school: Appropriate teaching and learning strategies have been established to support those with Dyslexia and other SpLDs. The verifier stated, ‘Teachers were adventurous and drew on a range of strategies to support learning’. The website enables parents/carers to access good quality support. The Quality Mark Lead/SENCo has established good working relationships with all stakeholders ensuring all learners with SpLD Dyslexia can thrive.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 9th December 2022
School name: Zouch Academy and Nursery, Wiltshire
School website: Zouch Academy & Nursery (twhf.org.uk)
School ethos: The school website states, “We are aspirational in our expectations for every pupil and every adult who is part of our school community”.
What stood out for us about the school: This is a school where there is no glass ceiling on learning. All staff have the same high expectations for every pupil. Clear protocols for early identification of specific difficulties were known by all staff. All staff are highly skilled in responding quickly to learners’ needs. The provision for those pupils with dyslexia or literacy difficulties was evident in every classroom where tasks or interventions were observed. The scaffolds and adaptations were numerous, and pupils talked about them freely on the verification day.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 14th December 2022
School name: The Friary School, Lichfield
School website: The Friary School – High achievement through challenge and support for every learner
School ethos: We are a school that fights the corner of every child…Quite simply, we expect every child in our school to feel safe, happy and successful…No matter the strengths, the weaknesses, the ability, or the context, we are a school that goes all out for every child.
What stood out for us about the school: The SENCo and Assistant SENCo work in total partnership with all stakeholders and have facilitated a system where many dyslexia friendly practices have been adopted across curriculum subjects and departments. The fact that the SEND team talked in detail about individual pupils indicates the high level of understanding they have of these pupils and their needs. The learners themselves talked in detail as to how the school was supporting them in achieving their goals and were guiding them towards possible career paths. This approach was evidently motivational. The Assistant SENCo has used her knowledge as an Access Arrangements Assessor to inform and train staff effectively.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 13th December 2022
School name: St Johns CE Middle School Academy, Bromsgrove
School website: St John's C of E Middle School Academy - Home (st-johns-bromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk)
School ethos: The school website states “We seek to be a truly inclusive community where all can ‘Give of the Best’, achieve their full God-given potential, be good citizens and respect difference in our growing global world”.
What stood out for us about the school: The verifier was so impressed with the level of diligence, commitment and dedication displayed by the whole team. The SENDCo is pivotal in developing and leading a highly knowledgeable and skilled staff. He has gained his L7 SpLD Dyslexia Qualification and has studied towards his L7 Dyscalculia Qualification. He has cascaded his indepth of knowledge and skill across the staff team. The learners and their families feel they are listened to. They therefore feel empowered and connected to the school community.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 6th December 2022
School name: Haven High School, Lincolnshire
School website: Haven High Academy - Home
School ethos: The Headteacher states on the school website “We are unashamedly ambitious for our school and students, and we make no apology for this. At Haven High Academy we command the highest expectations of students and staff”.
What stood out for us about the school: The SENCo, Additional Learning Manager and their team of learning assistants work in total partnership. They work hard to promote the adoption of dyslexia friendly practices across curriculum subjects and departments/faculties. The school has invested in a training programme which has resulted in the creation of a highly skilled SEND team who approach SEND provision in a caring and sensitive way. As a consequence, learners with dyslexia feel they are understood and are motivated to learn.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 18th January 2023
School name: Bridge Farm Primary School, Bristol
School website: HOME - Bridge Farm School
School ethos: The website states “At Bridge Farm we ‘Live and Learn Together’. Pupil voice is highly valued and we understand the importance they have in making decisions that impact on their education”.
What stood out for us about the school: The SEND policy explicitly describes what the school does to support pupils with dyslexia or those showing signs of dyslexia. The SENCo has led the change in practice and works in total partnership with all stakeholders. She has used her own lived experiences of dyslexia to enhance provision. From the Senior Leadership Team to the Learning Support Assistants, there is a strong commitment to ensuring all learners succeed.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 29th March 2023
School name: Tempo Controlled Primary School, Northern Ireland – SENCo won the BDA SENCo of the Year Award 2023
School website: Tempo Controlled Primary School, Tempo, Enniskillen (tempops.co.uk)
School ethos: The school prospectus states, “We create a culture of achievement, improvement and ambition, whereby pupils achieve to the best of their ability. Individual talents and skills are recognised and developed to enable each child to experience success to become achievers to the highest possible standard (in all areas)”.
What stood out for us about the school: This is very much a school at the heart of the community. It is led by a proactive team and supported by a group of very committed teachers and support staff. The SENCo is tireless in her pursuit of equitable educational opportunities for all the pupils at the school. The pupils talked in an engaging and confident way, demonstrating the work the school has done to support them with their self-esteem and confidence.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 31st March 2023
School name: Ellesmere Port Catholic High School, Cheshire
School website: Ellesmere Port Catholic High School – Just another WordPress site (epchs.co.uk)
School ethos: The Headteacher states on their website, “…Within our caring community, new skills are learnt, knowledge increased, new friends made and futures planned. When students look back before they leave us to go to university, college, an apprenticeship or employment, they are frequently amazed at what they have achieved and how they have developed as a confident young adult”.
What stood out School for us about the school: This school is at the heart of the community. It reaches out to create partnerships with organisations and local schools to drive change and enable the best possible life opportunities for all. The verifier was impressed with the level of SEND provision and inclusivity observed on verification day. This together with the level of knowledge and expertise was tangible. It was felt that staff knew their learners well and therefore were able to respond to their needs rapidly and with sensitivity. The highly qualified and experienced specialist dyslexia teacher, with the support of a local university, has worked with neighbourhood schools to create a resource to support teachers in creating a dyslexia inclusive classroom. Future strategic planning will include working towards creating a community-wide approach.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 2nd May 2023
School name: On Track Education, Northamptonshire
School website: Northampton (ontrackeducation.com)
School ethos: The website states, “Our dedicated team of professionals use their wide range of skills and experience to ensure positive academic and pastoral outcomes for all our students…we strongly feel that every young person deserves the chance to demonstrate and fulfil their potential…”
What stood out School for us about the school: The SENCo has gained a Masters in SEND Provision and Inclusion and has been working towards a L7 Certificate in SpLD Dyslexia. She has used her expertise to guide the staff. They work hard to promote the adoption of dyslexia friendly practices to enable all pupils with SEND including SpLD Dyslexia to succeed. The school has made a strategic commitment to ensure that these practices become the regular way of working at the school.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 23rd May 2023
School name: Southbroom St James Academy, Wiltshire
School website: Home | SouthbroomStJamesAcademy (dsat.org.uk)
School ethos: The website states, “We nurture independence, enthusiasm and self-confidence. We enable children to take some responsibility for their own learning and become self-motivated to attain their goals”.
What stood out for us about the school: Inclusivity is central to their teaching and learning programme as all staff echoed ‘all children must be in class and all pupils must be included’. The SENCo is highly skilled and has implemented a system where all staff and parents know the protocols to follow. She has established a culture where learning tasks are adapted consistently thus reducing the need for interventions to be administered outside the classroom. Parents and carers mentioned that since their children had attended the school, their confidence had greatly improved and that staff were quick to identify difficulties and respond accordingly.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 19th June 2023
School name: St Peter’s C of E Primary
School website: Home | St Peter's CE Primary Academy (dsat.org.uk)
School ethos: The website states, “All children can make outstanding progress and we move each child from their individual starting points. Regardless of ability, every child’s progress is regularly checked and any child who appears to be stuck is acknowledged and enabled to move forward again”.
What stood out for us about the school: The verifier stated that the teachers were enthusiastic and clearly enjoy working in a school with such a supportive and inclusive ethos. The staff are working hard to develop their depth of knowledge of SEND and they are very aware that if they get provision right for learners with dyslexia, this benefits all learners. The SENDCo has guided staff and has collaborated with other schools to develop and enhance practice. The systems and protocols for identifying learners with literacy difficulties/dyslexia are robust and are known by all staff. The dyslexia friendly practice in place means that inclusion is strong at this school.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 30th June 2023
School name: Dallam Community Primary School, Cheshire
School website: Dallam Community Primary School - Home (secure-dbprimary.com)
School ethos: The website states, “Our aim is to cater for individual needs through a range of provisions to enable all children to achieve. This does not mean that we will treat all learners in the same way, but that we will respond to learners in ways that take account of their varied life experiences and needs”.
What stood out for us about the school: The children are at the core of all decisions made at the school. The school has invested in training a specialist teacher to identify dyslexic pupils. She currently holds ATS status and is working towards a L7 PGCert in SpLD Dyslexia. She has been involved in a peer-to-peer coaching programme involving a group of 12 local schools. The aim of the programme is to share best practice and enhance the specialist provision offered to learners. Pupils talked about the scaffolds/adaptations used to support them in lessons. Pupils from the Dedicated Provision were included in all aspects of school life, thus fostering and embedding a true sense of inclusivity ad community. Parents/carers were very supportive of the school and its commitment to serving the community. The passion and drive displayed by the specialist teacher for enhancing provision for learners with dyslexia or literacy difficulties was clearly evident.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 17th July 2023
School name: Meath Green Junior School, Surrey
School website: Home | Meath Green Junior School (mgjs.org)
School ethos: The school website states, “Our values form the basis for everything that we do. They are well embedded throughout the school and are very much part of a common language of good learning and good citizenship”.
What stood out for us about the school: Meath Green Junior School has a robust system of identifying specific learning needs, specifically identifying those learners with literacy difficulties or possible dyslexia. The school’s diligent analysis of learners presenting with these difficulties, has meant that that their learners are given high quality learning experiences. The school’s review of teaching strategies has had a positive impact on learning outcomes for ALL learners. The SENCo and the ‘DFG’ (Dyslexia Friendly Group of staff) are so passionate. Learners volunteer to lead assemblies to share their ’unique qualities’ with their peers and parents/carers. The SENCo’s depth of knowledge. She has cascaded information to staff relating to maths difficulties and Dyscalculia. Local headteachers and SENCos have met and discussed the school’s success and shared good practice. The SENCo has been instrumental in leading this programme and her passion and determination for improving the life chances of those with specific needs is infectious.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 29th June 2023
School name: Royal Wootton Bassett Academy, Wiltshire
School website: www.rwba.org.uk
School ethos: The website states, “For students and staff to individually and collectively progress, we must personally develop and learn from our mistakes or the challenges that lie before us each day”.
What stood out for us about the school: The school has embarked on a programme of reviewing and evaluating teaching and learning across all departments to ensure consistency of approach. They have adopted a ‘top down’ system where training is cascaded to all staff. A system of ‘Climate Walks’ where the governing body have walked through a sample of lessons and classes has been implemented to show the impact of approaches being fostered to enhance teaching and learning. During the verification visit, the verifier observed an array of multi-sensory strategies which also included retrieval tasks, chunking, information, colour coding information, tasks to enhance vocabulary acquisition and effective feedback. Awareness of the learning process was evident in teacher dialogue with the class. Learners also recognised how activities might be adapted for them and they have choices about which activity might best for them to complete. The school website has a page dedicated to inform parents/carers on how to support learners with dyslexia.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 7th July 2023
School name: Villiers Primary School, Bilston, Walsall
School website: Home | Villiers Primary (villiersprimaryschool.co.uk)
School ethos: the school website states, “We celebrate inclusion and diversity at Villiers and we believe that our differences make us stronger as a community”.
What stood out for us about the school: The whole staff team identified the importance of the need for the early identification of dyslexia. The headteacher echoed this by explaining the protocols and strategies the school puts in place early in order to support learners. At the time of verification, the SEND team were working towards a L5 certificate in SpLD Dyslexia, with a plan to extend this expertise to acquiring a L7 certificate. The Deputy Head teacher was working towards a L7 certificate in Dyscalculia. Lessons observed as part of the verification process demonstrated a range of multisensory strategies alongside approaches that reduced cognitive load. Table-top resources and help sheets were made available. Learning objectives and success criteria were shared. ‘Check-ins’ between teachers and learners were also observed.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 18th July 2023
School name: Wilton CE Primary School, Wiltshire
School website: www.wilton.dsat.org.uk
School ethos: the school website states, “Everyone has a voice that is listened to and, when appropriate, acted upon. We have high aspirations for ourselves and for everyone in our community. Wilton is a school where the term 'impossible' never goes unchallenged”.
What stood out for us about the school: The SENDCo is a highly experienced practitioner and passionate about inclusion. She works across the academy trust to develop and enhance practice throughout all member schools. Protocols and systems established ensure that learners are identified early, and provision put in place is monitored and adjusted to ensure it is fit for purpose. Learners accessing specialist provision via a dedicated resource base, are integrated seamlessly into mainstream lessons. As the Deputy headteacher said the school is like a ‘stick of rock’ where equity of educational opportunity is stamped throughout its core, where all learners have ‘the dignity of accessing lessons’.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 12th July 2023
School name: Sarum Academy, Wiltshire
School website: Sarum Academy
School ethos: the school website states, “What makes our school different is the care we afford every member of our Academy. Relationships founded on trust and respect are the lifeblood of our warm and happy school, this is why we care for one another, this is why our young people achieve more than they think possible”.
What stood out for us about the school: The school ethos and environment is explicitly geared towards inclusion. This is lead expertly by the SEND team. The rapport between staff and learners enables active engagement in lessons. The school has developed a ‘Sarum Lesson Format’ based on dyslexia friendly principles and this was evident during lesson observations A particular feature of lessons included a ‘Do Now’ starter task to encourage recall. Curriculum unit booklets (created as a result of research-based training)are designed to ease cognitive load. They include tools and adaptations to support all learners.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 13th July 2023
School name: Colmers Farm Primary School, Birmingham
School website: www.colmersfarm.excelsiormat.org
School ethos: the school website states, “We pride ourselves on being an inclusive and nurturing community where everyone is made to feel welcome and valued”.
What stood out for us about the school: The school consistently referred to the Birmingham Pupil School Support Services Dyslexia Pathway Document. The Toolkit tracker provided staff with a continuum to refer to. It gives detail/data regarding the learner’s needs and reports can be generated with regards to groups/classes/individual. Staff can use it to identify trends and the SENCO can monitor teachers’ accuracy in assessing learners. The SENCo shared her extensive expertise across the academy trust.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 18th July 2023
School name: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Cheshire
School website: St Joseph's Catholic Primary School: Welcome to our School (stjosephs.cheshire.sch.uk)
School ethos: The website states, “St Joseph’s will not be a school that stands still; it will be a school which looks for new paths to set; a forward thinking and innovative school”.
What stood out for us about the school: The Dyslexia Process Document produced by the school is a great ‘go to’ guide for all staff. It lists a range of adaptations/adjustments that staff can put in place if any of their learners demonstrate particular behaviours/difficulties. Staff observed on verification day communicated well with learners, using concise language, repetitive phrases and accompanied with hand gestures. Dyslexic learners were confident and keen to actively contribute in lessons.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 3rd October 2023
School name: Grenoside Primary School, Sheffield
School website: www.grenoside.sheffield.sch.uk
School ethos: The ethos of the school is evident through its mission statement of ‘every child can’.
What stood out for us about the school: the headteacher stated that success “looks different for every child” and the staff cater for every need through highly adaptive teaching. This was evident during the verification visit. The strength, determination and passion of the SENDCo drives innovation and has resulted in a highly skilled staff who do not limit learning outcomes. Learners feel confident enough to challenge themselves. A key feature was the communication channels set up between the SENCo and parents/carers. Parents/carers felt their children were making accelerated progress. The school’s SEND information report and website information are detailed and easily accessible.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 30th October 2023
School name: Potton Primary School (formerly Known as Potton Federation), Bedfordshire
School website: www.pottonprimary.co.uk
School ethos: The website states, “Learning itself should be challenging and stimulating. We are unashamedly demanding in our academic standards; we firmly believe that there is no ceiling on achievement and that every child can achieve their true potential”.
What stood out for us about the school: The SENDCo has established robust protocols for early identification of those at risk of dyslexia. There is a clear emphasis on inclusion and dyslexia friendly teaching strategies. The staff have effective working relationships which result in constant dialogue leading to proactive responses to the needs of all learners, especially those with literacy difficulties.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 24th November 2023
School name: Downton CE Primary School, Wiltshire
School website: Downton CE Primary School (downton-pri.wilts.sch.uk)
School ethos: The school ethos is characterised by their motto on their website: ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’
What stood out for us about the school: The school has a very holistic approach to supporting learners. The headteacher’s passion for ensuring all learners, including those with dyslexia, feel confident and successful radiates throughout the staff team. Lessons include many adaptations that support learners and enable them to experience success. Desk-top aids and manipulatives were used across the school during the verification visit. The Quality Mark Lead ensured all staff had ownership of the developments in provision which has led to its success.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 6th December 2023
School name: Rowandale Integrated Primary School, Northern Ireland
School website: www.rowandaleips.co.uk
School ethos: The school website states, “Mutual respect and inclusion are at the heart of our integrated ethos. Our ethos is not just something we aspire to but permeates all interactions and activities within the school”.
What stood out for us about the school: the Principal stated, “there is a determined effort” to enable ALL learners to succeed. This has led to an emphasis on providing the correct support mechanisms enabling those with SpLDs including dyslexia to make good to accelerated progress”. The staff team is passionate about inclusion. The SENDCo has been instrumental in leading this. The school has cultivated confident learners who feel well-supported and cared for by the staff. There is a dedicated Google Drive folder on their website which contains a wealth of information on dyslexia. A parent described the support received by the school as ‘exceptional’.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 18th December 2023
School name: West Kirby School and College, Merseyside
School website: West Kirby School and College - Home (wkrs.co.uk)
School ethos: The school website states, ‘As a team, we are driven to inspire and motivate pupils, ensuring they are equipped with knowledge, skills and experiences which will help them achieve their goals and ultimately reach their full potential.’
What stood out for us about the school: The headteacher has invested time and effort in developing a staff who can deliver a ‘quality diet of provision’. The staff are dynamic and search for new evidence-based approaches. They are encouraged to try new initiatives which are followed up with professional discussions to evaluate their impact.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 13th March 2024
School name: King’s School (International), Dubai
School website: Kings School Dubai - British International School in Dubai (kings-edu.com)
School ethos: the website states, ‘By focusing on children’s wellbeing and happiness and by ensuring they are given the skills and tools to learn, we know we will get results the right way.’
What stood out for us about the school: The Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team have worked hard to develop a skilled team of inclusion specialists who drive an inclusive approach to teaching and learning. The staff are thoroughly committed to ensuring ALL learners can access the curriculum.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 15th May 2024
School name: St Cecilia’s College, Northern Ireland
School website: HOME | St. Cecilias College (stceciliascollege.com)
School ethos: The school website states, ‘We endeavour to provide a caring, learning environment, which is inclusive, that will enable our pupils to play an active and responsible role in society and is designed so that all may experience and achieve success.’
What stood out for us about the school: Equity of opportunity for learners is central to their ethos. The school has worked hard to promote their offer of specialised teaching and support. Families recognise that St Cecilia’s offers a programme of education that is “the right fit” for their child. Learners were very appreciative of the support they receive from all staff.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 5th June 2024
School name: Powell’s C of E Primary, Gloucester
School website: Powell's C of E Primary School - Home (powells.gloucs.sch.uk)
School ethos: the school website states, ‘We are totally committed to ensuring that learning is exceptional for everyone within our community… At Powell's our drive is to equip children with the knowledge, skills and understanding that they will need to thrive both now and in the future. This means that we have the highest expectations for everyone.’
What stood out for us about the school: Being dyslexia friendly is embodied in the educational experience at Powell’s Primary Academy. The school continues to set itself targets and fosters reflective practice to ensure that they continue to evolve and provide an engaging learning environment for all pupils.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 28th June 2024
School name: Two Rivers High School, Staffordshire
School website: High School - Two Rivers School
School ethos: The website states, ‘Building positive relationships with our peers and teachers is key to our success…together, we grow and learn, embracing challenges and working as a team. We believe that by enjoying our learning journey, we can achieve great things and reach our full potential.’
What stood out for us about the school: Evidence indicated that lessons are interactive and engaging and conform to dyslexia friendly best practice and school policy. There is a robust system for logging both quantitative and qualitative assessment data which is carefully monitored by the SENCo.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 3rd July 2024
School name: St Johns and St Francis Church School, Somerset
School website: St John and St Francis - Home (stjohnstfrancisbwmat.org)
School ethos: ‘….we offer a progressive curriculum that carefully builds on previous learning…(the learning is) focused and practical, providing the knowledge and understanding that our children need to progress and succeed in life today.’
What stood out for us about the school: The Headteacher and SENDCo emphasised how dyslexia friendly practices were not a ‘bolt on’ but formed the basis of the universal offer. Staff described the indicators of dyslexia and how they make learning tasks multi-sensory. The school has worked hard to develop adaptive teaching methods.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 12th July 2024
School name: Clarendon Primary School, Lancashire
School website: Clarendon Primary School | Together We Shine
School ethos: Our vision is that as a school community, we believe our children possess unique gifts and qualities, and as such they have the right to succeed, recognise their own greatness, and develop who they are in a respectful and caring environment.
What stood out for us about the school: As you enter the building, you are greeted warmly by everyone. There is a sense that everyone is valued and everyone’s contribution is deemed relevant and important. The school has invested in training its staff and has adopted dyslexia friendly practices across the curriculum. They have developed lessons formats which provide equitable learning opportunities.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 15th July 2024
School name: West View Primary School, County Durham
School website: West View Primary School (adastraschools.org)
School ethos: the website states, ‘Our school vision ‘Dream Big. Aim High. Shine Bright’ underpins all that we do at West View. The children are at the very heart of every action we take and every decision that we make because we want to ensure that every child has high aspirations for themselves and for what they can go on to achieve.’
What stood out for us about the school: Learners themselves are confident in talking about the strategies and equipment that they use to support their learning. Parents emphasised how the school communicates well and includes them in making decisions about the support their children receive. They were able to list the dyslexia friendly adaptations that were put in place. The Senior Leadership Team echoed their belief that the Quality Mark has been the driving force enabling the school to enhance provision for dyslexic learners.
Date awarded Quality Mark: 16th July 2024