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Training - Parents / Carers

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Part of an Accredited Course

Screening for Dyslexia Pre 16 (Virtual Learning)

Please see course dates for information


Virtual / Online

This training course is designed to take delegates through the complete processes of screening and identification of dyslexia, exploring the issues of best practice within this activity. Through the practical demonstration of screening tools, it will identify what a screening tool does along with its uses and limitations. Delegates will learn how to evaluate screening tools, individual profiles and reports from a tool and develop understanding of what the next steps might be for the individuals involved.

Part of an Accredited Course

Fundamentals of Dyslexia Support



This eLearning module examines the fundamental approaches required when providing dyslexia support to an individual, and looks at simple strategies to support some of the more common areas of difficulty.

Part of an Accredited Course

Practical Strategies for Organisational Skills



Difficulties with personal organisation such as time management and planning/sequencing tasks are a common area of difficulty experienced by dyslexic individuals. This module explores the nature of these difficulties and sets out clear strategies that can be used to support individuals effectively, as well as how to assist them in developing the skills they need to become better organised.

Part of an Accredited Course

Practical Strategies for Revision & Exam Technique



Individuals are frequently told to revise for exams but are rarely shown how to revise effectively or efficiently. This eLearning module identifies and explains a wide variety of strategies and approaches to support dyslexic individuals with effective revision so that they can maximise their learning. It also sets out techniques that can be taught to dyslexic individuals in order to help them to achieve success in examinations.

Part of an Accredited Course

Practical Strategies for Study Skills



Individuals are often asked to do independent study, but are rarely taught the skills to do so effectively. Dyslexic individuals, particularly, have often spent so much time struggling with literacy difficulties that they have not had the opportunity to develop good study skills. This module examines a range of approaches to study in order to support dyslexic individuals with developing and implementing effective study skills.

Part of an Accredited Course

Learner Motivation and Self-esteem



Developing and sustaining self-esteem and motivation can be a real challenge for individuals with additional needs and is an area that is important to address. Whilst this module is aimed at supporting dyslexic individuals, the strategies suggested here would be equally appropriate for those who are not dyslexic.