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Training - Parents / Carers

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Part of an Accredited Course

The Dyslexia Friendly Learning Environment



It is recognised that the vast majority of dyslexic individuals spend most, if not all, of their education time in a mainstream classroom or learning environment. This module identifies how the “classroom” and “institution” can be made dyslexia friendly, thus creating an inclusive learning environment. This module is linked to the BDA's Quality Mark which provides a template of good practice in this arena.

Part of an Accredited Course

Practical Solutions for Hidden Difficulties



This eLearning module explores a range of some of the more frequently identified Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs). It also considers the likelihood of co-occurrence and how each individual is therefore likely to have a unique profile of strengths and difficulties, requiring a range of support strategies.

Helping With Phonics: A Free Resource from the SoundCheck Project



This eLearning module has been designed for teachers, TA's, LSA's and other education professionals who wish to support primary age learners to develop better phonics skills. These resources may be of particular use to those working with children who are approaching the Phonics Screening Check. The materials for this course have been developed as part of the SoundCheck Project as run by the BDA in partnership with Dyslexia Action and Springboard for Children.

Accredited Level 2 - Promoting Awareness of Dyslexia

from £685

Virtual, eLearning and In Person Training (or a blended combination)

This programme is designed for Teachers and TAs working with children and young people who want to be able to support dyslexic pupils within the classroom and is intended to provide a greater understanding of the problems that dyslexic learners face, and appropriate methods and resources to help support them within the context of their learning environment.

Accredited Level 3 - Practical Solutions for Dyslexia Plus

From £995

Virtual, eLearning and In Person Training (or a blended combination)

This programme is designed for Teachers and TAs working with children and young people who want to be able to support dyslexic pupils within the classroom and is intended to provide a greater understanding of the problems that dyslexic learners face, and appropriate methods and resources to help support them within the context of their learning environment.

Introduction to Understanding Exam Access Arrangements for Dyslexia



This eLearning module is designed to assist individuals with developing an understanding of Access Arrangements for examinations. It provides an overview of what access arrangements are, how these apply to those with dyslexia, and what types of support are available. Please note, regulations concerning access arrangements change on a regular basis and so this module should not be taken to be a definitive guide.