Q&A ambassador panel webinar – Succeeding with dyslexia for parents and children
As part of our work to support parents and children with dyslexia during the school closures, for a Q&A session with our Ambassadors Mollie King (singer and BBC Radio 1 presenter), Lee Byrne (former Welsh rugby international player) and Adelle Tracey (Team GB athlete).
Dyslexia can often feel like a barrier to achieving your full potential, but our Ambassadors are proof that dyslexia and success go hand in hand. During the FREE virtual Q&A you’ll be able to ask questions and hear how they overcame the challenges that dyslexia brought at school to reaching the top of their game.
Just like a real life panel Q&A, our Ambassadors will introduce themselves and share their stories, then it’s over to you to send in your questions, but instead they’ll be joining you via webcam from their homes.
We hope you can join us for what will be an inspiring, insightful and enjoyable evening.
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