Reading for Pleasure - Making Reading Accessible for All!
The BDA are delighted to welcome Alison Tarrant, CEO of School Library Team and the Lexplore Team, as they present this fascinating and insightful webinar aimed at parents and teachers!
This fascinating session will be presented by Alison Tarrant, CEO of School Library Association and the Team at Lexplore. The session will explore how to encourage reading for pleasure for everyone and present Lexplore’s exciting new AI reading assessment programme.
Explanation of the session:
Many parents after six weeks with their children at home over the holidays are more than happy to send them back to school in September. However, for the child with dyslexia it can be a very confusing time for them as they grapple with new friends, teachers, classrooms etc. This bitesize webinar hopes to give parents some tips to make the transition a little less stressful.
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