All Party Parliamentary Group for Dyslexia and Other Specific Learning Difficulties
APPG Meeting Archive
March 2024 APPG: Intersections of Dyslexia: Ethnicity and Cultural Perspectives
Background reading:
Intersectionality in SEND (Special Needs Jungle Ltd)
Marcia Brissett-Bailey
Frances Akinde
Archived sessions (2016 - 2023)
September 2023 APPG: Reforming assessment in Secondary Education: How can we provide a fair and relevant evaluation of the knowledge and skills of all learners?
Background reading:
Rethink assessment in education: The case for change (Bill Lucas)
Beyond the baccalaureate: Learning from across the world (Bill Lucas)
Bill Lucas, Director of the Centre for Real-World Learning and Professor of Learning at the University of Winchester
Cath Lowther, Parliamentary Vice-Chair of the Special Educational Consortium and General Secretary of the Association of Educational Psychologists
May 2023 APPG: Perspectives on Early Screening
Impact (and utility) of a 'universal screener - what would be welcome, what causes concern
Lynn Greenwold OBE, Chair of SASC, the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee.
Developments in SpLD Assessment: practical consideration and concerns
Caroline Holden, Assessment Issues Coordinator and acting Vice-Chair of SASC.
Screening and Dyslexia
Professor Rod Nicolson and Professor Angela Fawcett.
SpLD Test Evaluation Committee (STEC)
Rachel Simpson, Chair of STEC, SASC’s SpLD Test Evaluation Committee.
Response from Schools in Wiltshire to proposals for a Universal Screener at Key Stage One
Alison Szalay - Specialist Advisory Teacher, Wiltshire Council SEN Service.
February 2023 APPG: The importance of Early Intervention and Screening and how it can empower our teachers and the children they teach.
- Meeting Minutes
- Policy Framework Document
- Speaker Biographies
- Speaker Presentation Slides (.pptx)
- Webinar Recording
December 2022 APPG: Adults, including the Justice System
The effects of childhood trauma
Dr Kiran Nijabat (MBBS, BSc, MRCPsych) - Director, Family Wellness Practice
Time to do different
David Breakspear - Revolving Doors' Lived Experience Team
A snapshot of reading in prisons, and the importance of preventative strategies
Donna Stevenson - Head of Training & Assessment, Succeed With Dyslexia
Calls for help from adults
Kath Lambert - BDA Helpline Manager
June 2022 APPG: Schools' White Paper and SEND Green Paper - what changes can we expect?
March 2022 APPG: Dyscalculia
- Meeting Minutes
- Explanation of Dyscalculia - Presentation by Steve Chinn
- Dyscalculia as part of a bigger picture - Presentation by Pete Jarrett
September 2021 APPG: Phonics – and what does the evidence tell us?
- Meeting Minutes
- Introduction and speaker biographies
- Presentation by Professor Usha Goswami
- Presentation by Dr Sharon McMurray
- Presentation by Professor John Stein
Following on from this session. The focus for the remainder of 2021 is to ask the Government to revise their guidance on teaching reading which was published in the Reading Framework in July 2021. This guidance promotes the use of Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) as the sole method for teaching reading. We believe that this does not meet the needs of all students, especially those with dyslexia. We have published a short set of questions and answers to help explain why.
Read the Q&A's to find out more
Please note this petition is now closed.
June 2021: APPG
- Impact of Covid on the Dyslexic Community
- APPG minutes: 10 June 2021
- BDA Adult Survery
- BDA Parent Survery
- Presentation: Dr Mark Turner NTP
March 2021: APPG
March 2021: Impact of Covid on Learning
- Speaker Bio's
- Presentation by Doctor Helen Ross
- Presentation: Remote Instruction of Literacy and Language
- Presentation: Remote Diagnostic Assessment
- Presentation: Driver Youth Trust
December 2020: APPG
October 2019: AGM
October 2019: Educational cost of dyslexia - financial, standards and attainment cost to education of unidentified and poorly supported dyslexia, and a policy pathway to end the educational cost of dyslexia
April 2019: The human cost of dyslexia - the emotional and psychological impact of poorly supported dyslexia
November 2018: Reasonable adjustments in the workplace
- APPG Minutes 19 November 2018
- APPG AGM Minutes 19 November 2018
- How to release talent from your neurodiverse workforce
March 2018: Where are we on the journey towards comprehensive teacher awareness of their obligations to meet the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice?
- APPG Agenda 20 March 2018
- Achievements from a Two-Year Project, Liz Horobin, BDA
- Newly Qualified Teachers' Readiness to Teach SEND, Dr. Yota Dimitriadi, University of Reading
- Dyslexic Type Difficulties in Mainstream Schools, Mike Johnson, BDA
- The Government's Proposal to Introduce English Hubs, Joanna Israel, Department for Education
November 2017
- APPG Agenda 29 November 2017
- APPG Minutes 29 November 2017
- Primary Assessment and Specialist Support Concerns, Dan Baynes, Driver Youth Trust
- The Need for a Coherent System for Assessment and Access Arrangements, Sue Flohr, BDA
- Update on Support for Students with SpLD in Higher Education, Dr Abi James, BDA Technologies Committee and Researcher at University of Southampton
September 2017
June 2017
- Proposed APPG Agenda June 2017 (This meeting did not take place due to the general election)
February 2017
October 2016
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