Ways to donate
Gift Aid

If you're a UK Tax Payer, please don't forget to gift aid your donation - and increase the value of your gift by 25% at no extra cost to yourself!
To do so, all you need to do is complete this form and send it back to us at: fundraising@bdadyslexia.org.uk

Please complete this form and return it to us via email or post.
Is my Donation eligible for Gift Aid?
Gift Aid can only be claimed if:
- You are a UK tax payer
- You are claiming on behalf of yourself. You are unable to claim on behalf of other people - for example if you are fundraising for us, gift aid can only be claimed if each donor has made a gift aid declaration. This can be done via our sponsorship form
- You must NOT be receiving anything in return from your donation, such as a raffle ticket or a cake in a cake sale.
Do I need to send this form for EVERY donation I make?
No, just send us this form and we can continue to claim gift aid for all donations you make in future, and for any donations you have previously made over the last four years, unless you tell us otherwise.
To find out more about Gift Aid, please visit the UK Government's Website or email us at fundraising@bdadyslexia.org.uk