Support us at your celebration
Make your Birthday a Fundraiser for the BDA!

This year for your birthday, rather than asking friends and family to spend on parties and presents, why not help to empower dyslexic people of all ages to reach their full potential by asking for donations instead of gifts.

Create a JustGiving Fundraiser
Set up a Just Giving page using the link below, and share it with family and friends.
Set up a JustGiving Page here

Set up a Facebook Fundraiser
Set up a Facebook Fundraiser by clicking the link below. Make sure to select the British Dyslexia Association and share your Facebook Fundraiser with family and friends.
Set up your Facebook Birthday Fundraiser here

Hold a collection at your birthday party!
If you are having a birthday party, whatever age your turning, why not hold a collection and raise money for the BDA and help break down the barriers to allow everyone with dyslexia to flourish. You can order your collection boxes using the link below. If you're having a cake at birthday party you can download cake toppers and bunting here too!
Request your collection boxes here
The money that you raise for your birthday celebration will help to create a dyslexia friendly society where dyslexic people of all ages are acknowledged and empowered. Thank you for thinking of us on your birthday. For more support, please contact us at